Friday, March 30, 2012

blown away

I have sat down to write this post a few times now... I'm not sure the best way to describe all of this!  I think you may remember me bemoaning our upcoming tax bill in an earlier post.   I've been feeling pretty discouraged about money issues lately -- wondering where we will come up with the funds needed to bring this kid home.

I came home from work yesterday and found a note in the mail from a friend from college.  I don't think I've seen her since I graduated and we've only had some limited contact on facebook over the past 10 or so years.  All the same, I was really happy to hear from her - she wrote a really sweet note to us, encouraging us on our adoption (she and her husband have also adopted a few times from Africa).  and then I noticed the check.  She said that she and her husband had committed to giving away their adoption tax credit to families who are adopting, and they wanted to bless us with a portion of what they were giving away.  I broke down and cried when I saw the check -- it was enough to cover our homestudy expenses, and much of the initial costs with our agency!  nearly double what we owe on our taxes this year!  I was blown away.

My faith has been so small through all of this, but I'm reminded that God is bigger.  Through my faithful, generous friend, and through so many ways we have yet to see, I know he will provide.  I'm so excited to continue on this journey!


  1. That's incredible!! God is so faithful!!!! Hooray! JD

  2. I love how personal God is with us and knows just how to be the encouragement we need to keep moving! Thanks for sharing and letting me watch God work in your journey! DK
