Monday, August 13, 2012

quick update

As of Friday, our homestudy has been officially approved!  YAY!!  

A while ago, Calvin decided to make a snack of our camera... bad dog... we bought a new camera with a gift card, and it's taken me a while to figure out how to download pictures.  I have it figured out now, so hopefully I will be a little better on the postings and photos and things.  

poor chewed camera

the viewing window was completely cracked
Here was what our garage looked like before the garage sale -- I wanted to share this a while ago!  It's hard to believe that this mess translated into over a thousand dollars toward our adoption fund :-)  We tel God tankee :-)

Thursday, August 2, 2012


We had our list visit for our homestudy with our social worker over a month ago and have been waiting for our agency to review the documents.  We finally received the review today and they are making some updates and changes and then we can say our homestudy is officially complete!  This is a huge milestone in the process and we're so glad to have this much finished.

Once the homestudy is officially approved by our agency we will be applying for our immigration paperwork and waiting for them to refer a child (or maybe 2!) to us.  It still feels sort of surreal to me that this is really happening, that we're really moving forward.  I said something to a friend the other day about our "imaginary" children -- that's how it feels to me, like they don't really exist yet.  I can't wait for us to know them, and the reality of them.

In the meantime, I've been doing some reading.  Some books I've found particularly interesting recently are:

The Connected Child

A Thousand Sisters