We’re waiting for our court hearing! Hopefully soon!
I’ve been thinking a lot about timelines, and trying to get my head around a possible schedule. People keep asking me when we will get her, and I just say that we’re not sure. It’s difficult at best to estimate the timeline, but here’s what we’re looking at right now:
- After we pass court, there is a 30 day waiting period before B will finally be “ours!”
- Then we file our I-600 form: “Petition to Classify Orphan as an Immediate Relative.” This approval process takes 3-4 weeks
- Passports/visas and final steps through the US Embassy – 6-8 weeks
So, if we pass court by the end of February, the 30 day wait will be up by the end of March. Then another 2.5-3 months for the processing of the rest of our paperwork (mid-June/July). I’m not sure at this point how the new investigation procedures will affect our case – they had said there were potential delays of 3-6 months…which could put us into September and beyond…
I’ve already bought B a couple little bathing suits and some summer clothes. I’m really hoping we can get her here when it is still warm!