Tuesday, November 27, 2012

various updates

Hey, friends --
I've been a bad blogger recently...  I guess you could say that we've been busy (which would be true!), but I think I could have added a few little updates here and there.  so, anyway, here's our list of updates:

1. We accepted a referral for a little girl!  She's somewhere between 2 1/2 and 3 years old.  We'll call her "B" on here. We are hoping to go get her this spring.  
B's toes!
(We're not allowed to post real pictures of her until we pass court, so this will have to suffice for now!)

2. We completed our dossier (crazy packet of documents that will travel through the court system across the ocean), and filed the first of our forms with US immigration.

3. We are having a fundraiser this Saturday!  If you've been following the blog or my facebook page, you'll notice that I've been sewing quite a bit lately.  I'll have many of these items for sale on Saturday at our house, from 1-4.  Leave me a comment if you want more detail!

4. New "donate" button for the blog!  I finally have the ability to take donations and payments online -- if you  feel inclined to donate toward our adoption fund, click on the "donate" button to the right!  We have about half of what we'll need for this process, which is amazing! (but also means we still have quite a ways to go...).  If you've ordered owls or turtles, you can also use the donate button to pay for your purchases.

Well, that's about all for now!  thanks for following along!

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