Hey, friends –
Do you have used clothing or other household items you’d like to unload? Please consider donating them to the Padgett adoption fundraising cause! There are 2 ways to help right now:
1. I am working on some up-cycled sewing projects to sell to raise money for our adoption. If you have clothes (or other fabric household items like gently used towels, curtains, etc.) that you want to get rid of, I’d be happy to take them off your hands!
2. We are also planning a yard sale at our house on Saturday June 16 (during the Clinton Estates community festival). If you want to de-clutter your house and donate some stuff to our sale, please leave me a comment or send me a message on facebook or email me or send me some smoke signals or something and we’ll make arrangements to get stuff from you!
Mark your calendars for June 16, too -- come out and enjoy our community festival and neighborhood garage sales! We'll have some great stuff!